Saturday, March 28, 2009

Competency 9- Internet

Using the Google search engine, I found the American Association of School Librarians (AASL)website. It provides information that school librarians need to know. They address the issues and help guide the agenda for the profession. It is a resource for professional development and continuing education. They are the only national organization advocating for the needs of school library media specialists. There is a wiki that comprises a working bibliography of resources. If you are a member there is access to publications and journals. There is also a monthly e-mail newsletter called Hotlinks.

I chose this website because it is geared towards school librarians. It keeps the librarian current on issues in the field. It is also a useful networking site. There is an access to a facebook community. You can network with peers.

Competency 8 Research Visual/Multimedia

A big topic in school libraries today is flexible scheduling vs. fixed scheduling. I chose this graph because it shows the increase in reading, writing and ACT scores in school libraries that use flexible scheduling. It gives teachers more time to collaborate with librarians and it can give the librarians more time with students in the library.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Competency 7: Image

I found this image by searching Google images. I thought it shows the many items available in an elementary or middle school library for finding out information to questions. The image comes from